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Dr. Hart Will

加拿大維多利亞大學 Professor Emeritus

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黃秀鳳 總經理

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社會責任與電腦稽核 (Accountability and Computer Accounting)

(2009-08-06 14:55:55 Dr. Hart Will)



Accountability is a broader concept than financial, managerial or tax accounting. When we are accountable for our actions or their consequences we have a personal responsibility to someone and an ethical obligation to be truthful and not misleading. If we could rely on trust and corresponding loyalties, we would not need  accountabilities. To have rational confidence in someone acting on our behalf implies accountability as evidence of proper behaviour.

Financial, managerial or tax accounting is a legal obligation within a cultural context and may be considered as less morally binding than general accountability. It may appear to be more difficult to comply with the various accounting regimes due to numerous rules and regulations that need to be followed.  For example, economic transactions between agents need to be recorded in terms of their dates and time, their values; their purposes or affects (according to various account classifications); any descriptions and explanations; and the participants involved. This means not only that accounting transactions document specific events with specific consequences for the people involved, but also that we (or someone on our behalf) have an obligation to record them in a manner that can justify rational confidence by the recipients of the data and any information derived from them. Any accounting system is part of an accountability discipline.

To replace persons with computers that record economic events means that the original personal responsibility for meaningful accountability has been replaced with procedures that need to be efficient, finite and timely (as algorithms) and programmed by someone by means of additional languages for execution on machines that can only operate in binary mode. The details (data) are no longer visible directly and any summaries (information derived from the data) are not be “automatically” understandable without explanatory evidence and references available to its users.  While valid entries in manually maintained accounting journals and ledgers can be traced to their original transactions with “naked eyes” - unless they are “perfectly” altered or erased - entries in computer files are not visible as such but must be displayed or printed by machines that may be easier manipulated than persons. Without additional evidence there is no guarantee that computer-based data  are complete, correct and objectively “real” representations of actual economic behaviour. To believe them requires more than “raw data” as evidence for rational credibility.

To assume that accounting information derived from such “raw” accounting data is likewise, complete, correct, real and timely is to overlook that accountants make adjustments to their “objective” transaction data in order to compute periodic income (or loss) and to report realistic and true values of assets, liabilities and owners’ equity.  Again, without additional evidence about WHO made such adjustments WHEN and WHY and at what time, none of the information is believable by a critical and rational recipient of the information.

To replace manual accounting procedures simply with computers does not guarantee that accountability is achieved nor that financial, managerial or tax accounting information is believable, compliant, correct or even true. We need additional evidence not only about the data (as meta-data) but also about the information generated from them (in terms of meta-information) since we (or someone on our behalf) must also be able to access  and to assess all such data and information critically (by means of a meta-language). It must be possible to test the original (object language) expressions of bookkeepers, accountants, and computer specialist critically and independently before we can believe any of them.

This series of blogs will address the following additional topics in order explain the challenges faced by all computer users and especially those of “computer auditors” in today’s world:

● 稽核與電腦稽核(Audit and Computer Auditing)
● 內部控制的監控與稽核(Internal Control Monitoring and Auditing)
● 可信任的 vs. 合法的會計資訊(Believable vs. Legal Accounting Information)
● 確保與稽核(Assurance and Auditing)
● 營運確保與內部稽核(Business Assurance and Internal Auditing)
● 投資人確保與外部稽核(Investor Assurance and External Auditing)
● 稽核方法論與技術(Audit Methodology vs. Technology)
● 在稽核中的抽樣方法(Sampling in Auditing)
● 作為稽核標準的數字與文字之「自然序列」("Natural Sequences" of Numbers and Words as Audit Criteria)
● 稽核與道德(Auditing and Ethics)

Kind regards to you all!


                                                                                                              翻譯:中正會資所 汪修平

                                           © Copyright 2009 by Hart J. Will

「 本文章之圖文版權為Dr. Hart Will本人所有,非經同意不得轉載。」



1. yoyoyo於(2009-09-03 14:11:24)回應
2. winson2於(2009-08-28 17:58:19)回應
Computer auditors are facing a dilemma right now. With computers, we could do the audit jobs much easier. But in the end, we find out the main problems always are human.
3. winson2於(2009-08-28 17:58:13)回應
Cheating and greed make even the most perfect system useless. So we may have a great system but it is useless without right and honest use.
4. winson2於(2009-08-28 17:58:04)回應
We should focus on the people who use the technology as well as technology itself. It is education that makes the system worked and the company sustainable. What do you think, Hart?
5. susan11319於(2009-08-27 10:03:47)回應
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