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Dr. Hart Will

加拿大維多利亞大學 Professor Emeritus

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效率市場假說(Efficient Markets Hypothesis, EMH)-它是什麼東西?它是對的嗎?

(2009-09-16 11:42:13 Dr. Hart Will)




Eugene Fama已經為EMH的本質下了定義,他的看法是,金融資產的價格會反應出與它價值相關的所有資訊。然而,這個說法遭到諸多想要了解總體經濟與國際金融知識的人士關注。Robert Lucas在不久之前曾試著用以下的說法,重新為EMH下定義:
Eugene Fama has defined the essence of EMH as the proposition that the price of a financial asset reflects all available information that is relevant to its value. This claim, however, has come under scrutiny by many who wonder about the intellectual quality of macroeconomics and of international finance. Robert Lucas has tried to defend the EMH recently in The Economist by restating it as follows:
“the price of a financial asset reflects all relevant, generally available information. If an economist had a formula that could reliably forecast crises a week in advance, say, then that formula would become part of generally available information and prices would fall a week earlier. (The term “efficient” as used here means that individuals use information in their own private interest. It has nothing to do with socially desirable pricing; people often confuse the two.)”

以上關於EMH的定義與重要性引起了大家的討論與關注。我聯絡著名的科學哲學家Jim Fetzer,想知道他對這個議題的看法。他告訴我,他覺得EMH很含糊籠統,也就是說:它看起來很重要而且是個真理,但是它其實將正確的概念(關於事情應該如何)與另一個錯誤的概念(關於事情的真實狀況為何)混為一談。他觀察到,比方說如果我們將價格固定住,那麼這個固定的價格會跟事實期望反應出的真正價格有極大的差距。所以說EMH是結合了微不足道的真理與重大的錯誤,簡單的來說,它是個騙局。
The precise meaning and significance of EMH is thus open to discussion and review. When I contacted Jim Fetzer, a prominent philosopher of science, for his take on this issue, he suggested to me that the EMH appears to be ambiguous, namely: that it appears to be both significant and true, but the sense in which it is true (as a normative claim about how things ought to be) is conflated with a second in which it is false (as a descriptive claim about how things actually are). He observed that, if price fixing is at work, for example, then the price may be wildly out of whack with the realities it is supposed to reflect. The EMH thus combines a trivial truth with a significant falsehood and therefore may simply function as a ruse.

My purpose here is to follow Fetzer’s lead by considering the non-trivial sense in which, taken as a descriptive hypothesis about how things are, a number of problems are encountered that strongly suggest that, when it is taken as a significant claim about the actual operation of pricing in the market, the methodological propriety, the scientific purpose, and indeed the validity of the EMH are open to challenges that tend to undermine it.


Since “all [relevant, generally] available information” can fluctuate from time to time or be parsed or edited to satisfy the desires of those what want to manipulate the “information available”, we should also ask: available to whom? at what moment in time? is the information itself credible? by what standard? and relevant to whose “private interest” and under what circumstances? - If there is no objective, fixed body that qualifies as the “relevant available evidence”, how can the validity of the EMH be assessed? It appears to be subject to infinite variations.

There is no behavioral, cognitive or legal law identified according to which the EMH refers to “all [relevant, generally] available information” that individuals could or would use “in their own private interest”. - For example, financial accounting information is not objectively true, but based on subjective adjustments of objective transaction data for periodic income and value reports by managements, even when they are legal and audited. In other words, there is no fixed body of evidence available to the public that constitutes “the information” that is the basis of “efficient” decisions.

3.既然沒有定義明確的法則存在,我們便不知道如何區別起因與成效。建立於資訊片段與價格之間的任何關聯性其實並不一定能解釋些什麼。譬如說,「當Scholes先生從美國的長期資本管理公司(LTCM)事件中發現到,有時候市場壓力會使原本彼此毫不相干的資產,瞬間變成具有高度相關性。關於這個道理,整個金融業其實也都已經了解了。從這一點看來,風險值模型(value-at risk models, VAR)中指出的資本緩衝其實是嚴重不足的」(經濟學人, July 18th, 2009, p. 68).
Since no laws are specified, we do not know how to distinguish causes and effects. Establishing any correlation between any piece of information and any price does not necessarily explain anything to anyone. – For example, “as Mr Scholes discovered from LTCM and as the entire finance industry has now learned for itself, at times of market stress assets that normally are uncorrelated can suddenly become highly correlated. At that point the capital buffer implied by [“value-at risk” models] VAR turns out to be woefully inadequate.” (The Economist, July 18th, 2009, p. 68).

The cognitive laws implied by the EMH may be as simple or simplistic as: “Don’t even consider any economically justified, ‘efficient’ price: When the market seems psychologically overheated, sell short!” - The “available financial accounting information” may be irrelevant to actual speculative market behavior. Generating or sensing “market heat” may be enough to gain from those more “excited or excitable.” The rules of thumb it suggests may have a multitude of exceptions that render the EMH more misleading than true.

5.測試EMH(為了反駁它)似乎建立於「背離均衡值的情況可能不會持續太久…此外,不管對誰來說,試著擊敗金融市場都是一個愚蠢的行為。如果資訊就在那裡,那它也早就在價格裡了。(經濟學人, July 18th, 2009, p. 68)」。如果我們可以從經驗得知均衡值,或是可以將它準確地預測出來,那麼「效率市場」就是一個了不起的假說或理論。但它並非如此,它僅是使用「似是而非」的統計分析,來對證券價格做「學理上」的解釋。試想,每個「擁有能提早一個禮拜準確地預測金融危機的公式的經濟學家」都會願意把消息趕在第一時間公布給大家使用嗎?
Testing the EMH (in order to attempt to refute it) seems to be based upon the implication that “Deviations from equilibrium values could not last for long . . . and trying to beat the [financial] market was a fool’s errand for almost everyone. If the information was out there, it was already in the price.” (The Economist, July 18th, 2009, p. 68). – If equilibrium values were empirically known or could be reliably estimated, this would be a non-trivial “efficient market” hypothesis or theory; but since they are not, virtually any “plausible” statistical analysis can serve as a “theoretical” explanation of security prices. Would every “economist who had a formula that could reliably forecast crises a week in advance”also make it publicly available in time?

6.當談到本益比(PE)或是市盈率(CAPE)時,Smithers [www.economist.com/freeexchange] 建議我們可以考慮使用「公平價值」。但它們同樣會面臨到,因錯誤資料或資訊而導致的「錯誤評估」。又現行之公開的會計與稽核的方法及實務,是否足以保護一般大眾與投資人追求他們的「私人利益」,是另一個值得我們討論的問題。然而這個問題的答案很可能令人無法放心。
By comparison, “fair value” is another option, when expressed in terms of price earnings ratios (PE) or cyclically adjusted price earnings ratios (CAPE) as suggested by Smithers [www.economist.com/freeexchange]; but they are also subject to “mis-evaluations” caused by possibly false data and information. – Whether current public accounting and audit methodology and practice are sufficient to protect the public and any investor pursuing her “private interest” are other obvious questions worth pursuing, where truthful answers to these questions may very well not prove to be especially reassuring.

The attribute “efficient” is so ambiguous that Professor Lucas interprets it as meaning “that individuals use information in their own private interest.” Contrary to the common understanding, “it has nothing to do with socially desirable pricing; people often confuse the two.” - Is this another case of deliberate semantic ambiguity that may serve special financial interests? Is it possible that, under differing interpretations, the EMH could be true as a guide to personal benefits but untrue as an indication of public pricing?

The formulation of the EMH by The Economist [ibid.]: “If the information was out there, it was already in the price” sounds more like a misleading and potentially deceptive claim that could be used to fleece potential investors. - Time and effort spent trying to identify “relevant” information that was NOT available in time to an individual user for determining a specific market price of any particular type of financial asset is more like chasing an “artificial construct” or a “junk hypothesis” than trying to a refute a serious scientific theory, where a junk hypothesis in this context is any excuse for financiers and hustlers to justify any action they want to take with respect to stocks and bonds up to “simple interest rate options to ever more intricate credit-default swaps and collateralized debt obligations” [The Economist, ibid.].

9.假設這個世界是個理想世界,所有資訊都非常完美、所有券商與經理人都非常誠實,那麼當EMH做為一種規範性聲明時,它可能是對的,但當用以描述事物是如何運作時,EMH依然是錯的。這個在真實世界的交易中會被認同的推論,能夠輕易地用於掩飾所有會造成價格波動,但並非對每個買家或投資人來說都是「公開」的舞弊與黑箱作業。這個指出價格會反應所有資訊的推論,告訴你完全無法透過蒐集資料與資訊獲得額外的好處(Grossman and Stiglitz)。所以它其實根本是藉由這個聽似冠冕堂皇,但壓根完全錯誤的說法,來為舞弊行為創造出一個溫室。
Even though the EMH may be true as a normative claim in an ideal world with perfect information and honorable brokers, it is false when viewed as a description of how things actually work. - The presumption it is satisfied in actual transactions in the real world can easily serve as a cover for fraud and secret manipulations that affect the price of traded items but are not “generally available” to all buyers or investors. The presumption that prices reflect all information implies that nothing can be gained by collecting data and information (Grossman and Stiglitz), which thereby creates the context for perpetrating fraud by appealing to a plausible sounding but false claim.

Correlations between available information and prices cannot explain causalities. Even search for instrumental variables will not help with such complex problems although presumably their “job . . . is to ensure that the omission of factors from an analysis . . . does not end up producing inaccurate results” (The Economist, ibid.) – But for what purpose? To “rate” any and all “securities” in terms of “risk,” to price them for profitable sales, to justify sales bonuses (regardless of their risk and profitability)? For whose benefit?


If there is no fixed body of evidence that is available to the public that constitutes “the information” that is the basis of investment decisions, then the “available information” may be constantly fluctuating, “rotating” or varying to different degrees; however, whether it does this around a “fair value” is to be determined [Smithers]. Rationality implies proper conjectures and attempted refutations based on critical thinking. Economic irrationality can be avoided since modern epistemology is clearly rational. It not only allows, but demands positioning empirical methodology before technology as in the case of accounting, of computing, of econometrics and of statistics.

Economics as a science needs methodological clarity more than it needs new econometrics. When a hypothesis is ambiguous, as in the case of the EMH, then it should be clarified. That the EMH has a true but trivial interpretation should not obfuscate that it also has a significant but false interpretation. The real does not model the ideal. Prices can be fixed, data can be manipulated, and brokers are not invariably honest. The “science” of economics cannot be based upon the abuse of trivialities to promote deception and fraud. Given the set of ten considerations presented here, even though those who are in the business of misleading their clients may continue to appeal to the EMH, those who are committed to honesty and integrity in their dealings ought to abandon it.

參考資料 References at:

 翻譯:中正會資所 汪修平

© Copyright 2009 by Hart J. Will

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